Gallstones in the gallbladder It is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract that is seriously life threatening if not treated quickly. It is more common in women than men. It can be found from the age of 30 - 50 years. The interesting thing about this disease is Most patients tend to understand and think that they have a stomach disease, so they find medicine to take on their own. Until the symptoms became severe, he came for treatment. Therefore, knowing about gallstones in the gallbladder is something that should not be neglected. Dr. Khomdet Thanawajirasin, surgeon in laparoscopic and laparoscopic surgery at Bangkok Hospital, said that the gallbladder (Gallbladder) is an organ in the abdominal cavity that performs the function of in storing bile Makes bile concentrated to be ready for fat digestion. Gallstones are the most common biliary tract disease. Caused by the precipitation of limestone or cholesterol in the bile. cause gallstones There are 3 types of gallstones: 1) Cholesterol Stones may be yellow, white, or green due to the precipitation of fat. This is because cholesterol increases in the cyst. 2) Pigment Stones may be dark in color.
To make a diagnosis by doing an ultrasound of the upper abdomen. This will make the details of the gallstones in the gallbladder clearly visible. Many people have doubts that Why are gallstones more common in women aged 40 and over? It's because the hormone estrogen causes Telegram Number Data cholesterol in the bile to rise. If you have hypercholesterolemia Taking birth control pills or hormones due to menopause, having multiple children, or having diabetes. thalassemia anemia These all increase the risk of gallstones in the gallbladder. Therefore, if you have any suspicious symptoms, you should see your doctor for an ultrasound examination as soon as possible. Treatment of patients with symptoms from gallstones. If surgery is possible, the doctor will recommend surgery to remove the gallbladder. To prevent complications The type of surgery includes open abdominal surgery.
To be used to treat patients in cases of severe inflammation. The gallbladder ruptured in the abdominal cavity. Need to recuperate for quite a long time. And another form is laparoscopic surgery. (Laparoscopic Surgery) where the doctor will drill a small hole in the abdomen with a tool. Then insert the camera to get a clear picture in every dimension. Before cutting the gallbladder and removing the gallbladder This method also helps the doctor to see the internal organs clearly. The wound is small, hurts little, and reduces the chance of infection. The patient recovers quickly. The surgical treatment should be done within 72 hours and after the gallbladder has been removed. Patients do not have to worry about digestion. Because the gallbladder is just a place to store bile. But eating should reduce it. Focus on eating more vegetables and fish. To reduce bloating and create good health in the long run.